
How To Prevent Laboratory Notes Transcription Errors [INFOGRAPHIC]

Laboratory Notes

To ensure accurate and complete clinical documentation, many healthcare facilities rely on experienced medical transcription companies that provide EHR/EMR integrated transcription services. Laboratory notes are an important component of medical records. They include crucial details such as the experimental plans, observations, discussion of results and

Common Medical Record Documentation Errors To Watch Out For [INFOGRAPHIC]

Medical Record Documentation Errors

Incomplete and inaccurate patient records can compromise care. Documentation errors can result in wrong medical advice being provided, increased billing mistakes and loss of reimbursement. Medical transcription services play an important role in ensuring accurate and timely healthcare documentation. The key to ensuring accurate and

How Medical Transcriptionists Preserve The Integrity Of The Medical Record [INFOGRAPHIC]

Medical Transcriptionists

Even in this the age of electronic health records and speech recognition systems, human medical transcriptionists (MTs) still have a significant role to play in the healthcare system. They convert the physician’s dictated report into text format and highlight discrepancies for correction. Though this may

Top Tips to Improve Medical Transcription Skills [INFOGRAPHIC]

Medical Transcription

Speed and accuracy are crucial factors in medical transcription. Professional medical transcription services can ensure accurate and affordable clinical documentation solutions in the short turnaround time. Real-time transcription solutions allow healthcare teams to work with the updated patient health information. Following certain tips and tricks

6 Tech Trends Changing the Face of Healthcare [INFOGRAPHIC]


Technological innovations in healthcare are changing the face of the industry. Patient record digitization and EHR-integrated medical transcription services have paved the way for quicker and smarter clinical documentation. Telemedicine proved to be a game changer for many practices during the lockdown. The face of
