Neurology Transcription

Relevance of Neurology Transcription Service for Research and Medical Studies

Neurology Transcription Service

Ongoing research in the medical field is important to identify new health conditions, diseases, and treatment approaches. This research often involves interviews, patient interactions, lectures, conferences, seminars and other audio recordings that need to be transcribed. Busy researchers and organizations prefer outsourcing medical transcription to

Efficient Clinical Documentation Solutions Needed to keep up with Progress in Neurology Research

Clinical Documentation Solutions

With the rapid adoption of electronic medical records (EMRs) in the U.S., medical transcription companies have become experts in providing physicians with EMR-integrated documentation, including customized solutions for specialties like neurology. Neurologists treat complex disorders such as Parkinson’s disease (PD) for which diagnosis and management

Efficient Clinical Documentation Solutions Needed to keep up with Progress in Neurology Research

Efficient Clinical Documentation

With the rapid adoption of electronic medical records (EMRs) in the U.S., medical transcription companies have become experts in providing physicians with EMR-integrated documentation, including customized solutions for specialties like neurology. Today, research is focused on better understanding and diagnosing PD and developing new treatments.

Neurology Documentation and Coding for ICD -10

Medical Transcription Outsourcing

For a specialty like neurology, the change to ICD-10-CM poses special challenges.

The purpose of clinical documentation is to describe the details of the services provided and the accurate diagnosis which will provide a clear idea about the patient’s condition. Concise and comprehensive documentation via

How Neurology Transcription Service Can Help Avoid Hidden EMR Malpractice Risks

Neurology Transcription Service

Till recently, most neurologists relied solely on neurology transcription service providers to maintain patient information. Electronic medical record (EMR) systems have made it easier for neurologists to manage patient data more accurately, efficiently, and in a comprehensive manner. They have also made information retrieval simpler.
