
New Study Highlights Need for Appropriate Documentation for Antibiotic Prescribing

New Study Highlights Need for Appropriate Documentation for Antibiotic Prescribing

With the continual emergence of new disease-causing viruses, bacteria and other infections, infectious disease specialists face numerous challenges for patient diagnosis and treatment. Bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics have made illnesses that were once easily treatable with antibiotics untreatable, leading to dangerous infections.

Online Reviews driving Older Adults’ Choice of Physicians, finds New Poll

Online Reviews driving Older Adults’ Choice of Physicians, finds New Poll

People are increasingly researching online before buying a product or service, and healthcare is no exception, according to recent reports. Several factors influence a person’s choice of a healthcare provider. Many physicians rely on medical transcription outsourcing to maintain complete and accurate medical records

Tips to Reduce Risks of Surgical Site Infections (SSIs)

Risks of Surgical Site Infections

Infection control and prevention is a major safety issue in hospitals across the United States. It is important for surgical facilities to take measures to ensure patient safety and prevent surgical site infections (SSI). As strong clinical documentation improvement (CDI) is crucial, many surgical specialties

Opioid Prescribing – Importance of Comprehensive EHR Documentation


Patients suffering from chronic pain rely on opioid therapy for pain management. However, opioid misuse, addiction, and overdoses are serious public health problems in the United States. Despite recent declines, medical use of opioids remains high and inconsistent across the U.S., according to the

EHR Interoperability and Its Major Advantages


EHR interoperability is defined as the ability to effectively communicate health information electronically. HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society) defines interoperability as “the extent to which systems and devices can exchange data, and interpret that shared data. For two systems to be interoperable,
